

Internet, Arduino and cold beers.

Work UI/UX
Industry Agency

"Yay!! gotta log my hours…" said no one ever.


Every now and them, at TOM we also work in projects for ourselves, and AfterBot is one of them.


The Beginning

It all started while looking for an idea that will encourage and reward the tracking of work hours of each team member in the company.

We ended up building a solution that will open a fridge with drinks every Friday, as long as everyone's hours for the week are correctly logged in.

How it works

Programming scheme

Thinking outside the box

Innovation is present in everything we do, regardless of whether it is for clients or for us. We pride ourselves in thinking outside the box and finding cool and fun solutions for boring problems.
Time tracking certainly fits the bill.


More than a Bot

We didn't stop in building the code and arduino boards, also built an identity and character, that we affectionately call the AfterBot. We made different versions of our BOT, for instance wearing “La Celeste” during the World Cup and also dressed as Santa for Christmas beers.

More than a Bot

Ilustration process

Ilustration process




Missing hours in the weekly reports dropped to near-zero since the Afterbot was born :-).
Also a few beers and cold drinks make us all happier.

Hey!, don't forget to track your hours!